Welcome!  Here is my collection of Slayers stuff and info.  Most of it is multimedia stuff.  Also, you don't need to ask if you want to take anything from here (Except the banner.  But why would you want it?^_^).  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, then e-mail me.  Enjoy!

The Slayers is the tale of a young woman named Lina Inverse who just happens to be a sorceress.  One night she destroys a large group of bandits and steals their loot.  The remains of the gang pursue her to get back the treasure they stole.  They ambush her in the woods and a young man named Gourry 'rescues' her.  To his disappointment Gourry sees that Lina is just a 'little girl' and not a luscious babe.  Gourry decides it is his mission to escort Lina safely to Atlas City.  But many strange people continue to pursue her, for an item of the treasure she stole is capable of immense power.

3/28/00-  My site first goes up.  That's pretty much it.  Enjoy the site.  Once it's done at least.

3/29/00-  Picture gallery goes up.  Not too many pics, but more coming soon!